Monday, December 27, 2021

Cambridges Attend Church On Christmas Day

 The Queen has spent Christmas Day at Windsor Castle for the second year in a row due to COVID-19. 

Normally Her Majesty would host a lunch at Buckingham Palace for dozens of extended royal family members a week or so before Christmas, then travel by a scheduled train service to King's Lynn station, Norfolk, near her private residence Sandringham House.

Here at Sandringham Christmas is held for her close family and The Queen traditionally stays at until after February 6th- the anniversary of her father's death. King George VI died of lung cancer at Sandringham and for the Queen it marks her ascension to the throne. 

Out of caution, The Queen felt it better to stay at Windsor Castle over the Christmas period where she could be visited by members of her family in a more COVID safe manner.  The monarch -who is elderly- and her close staff could be exposed to a potential COVID infection by household staff of visiting royal family members. It is the first Christmas Her Majesty will spend without her beloved husband Philip who passed away at Windsor in April, just short of 100 years of age. 

The Cambridges remained at their Sandringham home, Anmer House for Christmas where they were joined by Catherine's parents and other members of the Middleton family. Carrying on a royal family tradition, the Duke and Duchess took their children to the Christmas Day service at St Mary Magdalene church on the Queen's Sandringham Estate. 

This event traditionally attracts crowds who line the walking path between Sandringham House and the church where the royal family makes their way to and from church on foot. However, this year and last, crowds have been asked to stay away to reduce COVID spread. 

The Cambridge family traveled the short distance from their home Anmer Hall to St Mary Magdalene church for the Christmas Day service. George, Charlotte and Louis could be seen in the rear of the family car- the first time youngest Cambridge has been to Christmas church service.

HM's Norfolk Home Sandringham House

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