Friday, April 8, 2016

Charlotte's Special Flower

A chrysanthemum named in honour of Princess Charlotte is going on sale in Waitrose on the young royal's 1st birthday, 2nd May. 50p from every sale will be donated to one of the Duchess of Cambridge's charities. 

The Telegraph newspaper reported on the flower as follows:

A pink flower named after the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is being exhibited at the Chelsea Flower Show.
The Princess Charlotte chrysanthemum, which is baby pink with green tips, is also going on sale at branches of supermarket Waitrose.
The bloom has been produced by Dutch company Deliflor, the world's largest chrysanthemum breeder. It delivered a bouquet of the chrysanthemums to the new royal parents shortly after Princess Charlotte's birth.

It will go on sale for £8 at 180 Waitrose branches from May 2, Princess Charlotte's first birthday, with 50p donated to East Anglia's Children's Hospices (EACH) for every plant sold. 
The Duchess, 34, is royal patron of the charity, which cares for children with life-threatening conditions and supports their families.

The unique pink and green chrysanthemum produced by Dutch company Deliflor.
The unique pink and green chrysanthemum produced by Dutch company Deliflor. Credit: Deliflor Chrysanten

Waitrose's horticultural Buyer Tracey Telford said: "We're happy to be able to support such a worthwhile charity and we're sure that the Princess Charlotte chrysanthemum, with its beautiful pale pink petals, will be popular with customers this Spring.
"We're also hoping that it will prove a popular bloom at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in May."

Princess Charlotte plays with a cuddly toy dog in a picture taken by her mother
Princess Charlotte plays with a cuddly toy dog in a picture taken by her mother Credit: Duchess of Cambridge
EACH's Karen Newton said: "We are delighted that Waitrose have chosen to support us through sales of these beautiful flowers.
"This generous gesture from Waitrose will ensure we can continue to deliver vital services."
Deliflor chose the royal floral tribute at the suggestion of Johan Heemskerk after its annual social media competition to name a new variety.

Explaining his choice, Mr Heemskerk said: "It was the day after the baby princess was named and as the flower was baby pink, I felt 'Charlotte' would be a good name.
"The British royal family and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, in particular, are immensely popular in The Netherlands."

The Princess Charlotte Chrysanthemum is the latest in a long line of flowers named after members of the Royal Family.
The Georgie Boy daffodil, named after Prince George, was unveiled by Walkers Bulbs at the 2014 Chelsea Flower Show.
Horticulturalist Johnny Walkers poses for photographs with his new daffodil Georgie Boy 
Horticulturalist Johnny Walkers poses for photographs with his new daffodil Georgie Boy  Credit: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty

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