Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cambridges At Easter

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and their children George and Charlotte spent Easter with Catherine's family in Berkshire.

Carole and Michael Middleton hosted the the family for what would have been a fun time in the lead up to the arrival of the third Cambridge baby.

Catherine and William enjoy being part of normal family gatherings and the children would have been doted on by their grandparents.

On Easter Sunday, the Duke and Duchess travelled to nearby Windsor Castle to attend mass with the Royal Family. However they became stuck in a traffic jam and arrived at St George's Chapel after Her Majesty. The Queen is always last to arrive and this lapse in protocol would not have pleased Her Majesty.

Anyone stuck in traffic knows that there is little that can be done but be patient. One would think that police outriders could have eased the path but perhaps that was not possible.

The Duchess looked lovely with her baby bump seeming to grow daily. With each pregnancy she suffers from extreme morning sickness which requires extended periods of bed rest and medical intervention. But towards the end Catherine seems much more energetic and can be seen out and about shopping.

On Easter Monday the family was back at their country home Anmer Hall in Norfolk. Photos have appeared on the internet showing Catherine shopping at Waitrose in Norfolk.

George and Charlotte will be due back at school and preschool in London so it is expected the Cambridges will head back to their Kensington Palace home soon.

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